Make $150,000 A Year Cashing In On AdSense Websites

You may have gone from website to website and before leaving a page clicked on one of the links to an ad that interested you. The action seems pretty simple, so what's all the fuss over a few simple ad clicks? You've just made someone a little more money.
AdSense along with its cousin AdWords have revolutionized the Internet for small internet marketers.

What can you do with $150,000 a year working from home? How have many of the Internet professionals make a great living with AdSense? They use the tried and true strategy of volume.

The vast majority of AdSense subscribers never make a dollar. There is a way to make massive income but it's work. It's a full time job to make $400.00 a day using websites to make money.

To get the right amount of clicks to earn money, you need to have thousands of visitors each day. What successful AdSense subscribers do is drive a ton of relevant traffic to their websites. The best AdSense strategy we've seen so far is to create a series of websites that focus on highly popular search terms; for example food.

You create a website that runs a series of articles on food. You then create nine associated websites around the food theme and link them together. You might have a Middle Eastern food website, Low Fat , Cajun, Low Carb, Diabetic, Gluten Free, ect.,

You create a series of articles; some instances of AdSense spots and put a series of products and books on each site. Now you have a great resource. Be sure to build original content on each of these websites and include each page with AdSense ads.

You now have the task of driving traffic to the websites. You will also drive traffic to each website by placing links, banners and buttons on the corresponding websites.

One very important factor that can affect your revenue is the ads, the number of ads, the ad placement, the ad color, whether the ads blend in with your site, whether they have borders, as well as the relevance of the ads to your subject matter. The best ads look as close to the copy as possible. Keep that in mind when selecting the look and feel of your sites.

Now for the bad news; the most important thing to consider after you've worked through any AdSense issues is targeted traffic. It always seems to come back to marketing.

The rules the same everywhere if you don't have people asking for your information, you won't get them in; if you don't get them in; you can't sell them anything.

You won't have much revenue. At least, if you have a good amount of traffic to your site, the chances are very good that you'll have more folks clicking on your ads.

The objective of the first campaign is to get traffic to the websites. Use articles, Google AdWords, link exchange, ezines, lists and blogs to drive traffic to your pages. My new book 'Double My Revenues In 12 Months or Less" has even more information on AdWords.

The key to gaining great returns is to build and maintain thousands of pages on high traffic sites. Work on getting original material on your websites or videos. Blogs are fine but tend to make less than traditional websites. There is also the factor of having hundreds of pages on your websites The more content the better. Keep it relevant. You can make $400.00 a day with AdSense, you will have to work for it.

Dennis Morales Francis is a consultant and coach for business professionals and wellness practitioners. His website, offers its members online coaching on building Internet income and automating their marketing on and off the web. Dennis is the author of "Double My Revenues In 12 Months or Less". Go to to learn how to put $120,000 a year in your pocket by pressing a button on your PC. You don't want to miss this E-Tutorial.

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